
Helping set up communion and helping to administer it. 

Turning up no later than 9am to organise setup of the bread and wine.

Helping in administering the bread and wine during the service when called up by the minister.

If administering wine:
- if on common cup, offer the person to take the cup, and then receive it back from them once they have drunk from it, and wipe it with the napkin ('purificator'). 
- if on individual cups offer them the wine or juice and let them take their own cup from the tray. The juice should be in the tray with the tag on the handle (usually a green pipe cleaner)
- on both common cup and individual cups, say to each person as you give them the wine something along the lines of 'remember the blood of Christ, shed for you'.  

If administering bread, say to each person as you give them the bread 'remember the body of Christ, broken for you'. Gluten free wafers are available on request in a separate plate.

Thank you for the wonderful work you do for the loving Lord Jesus Christ.