
1. Packing down flag (flag is stored next to the ladder in the right-hand side room) and bringing in welcome sign.

2. Counting Bibles (20 Bibles).

3. Putting away Bibles, membership forms, and pens etc. back in the SPOTR hall cupboard (by kitchen door).

4. Putting away table used for giving safe (table goes behind the organ).

5. Putting away the cross on the front table & white doily (these go in the coloured bag) and the giving safe (after Treasurer has emptied it). These items are stored on the box by the window in the right-hand side room.

6. Remove any left-over church notices, etc.

7. Removing signs: The parents room ones are on the sliding door opposite the back door to the church auditorium and on the parent's room door, and the giving one is usually above the giving box as you walk into the auditorium. These go on plastic containers under the pie warmers in the kitchen.

8. Pack away the “Church open” sign it goes on the left-hand side of the front door. 

9. Packing away any toys in the parent's room.

10. Making a quick sweep of the church building to see that it is tidy.

11. Checking if a quick vacuum may be needed in church or parent's room.

12. Checking all heaters are turned off (church auditorium, hall and parent's room).

13. Checking toilets.

Thank you for the wonderful work you do for the loving Lord Jesus Christ.