
Please bring some milk and something to eat to share.

Please arrive plenty of time before the service to set up everything before the service starts.

Before the service:

1. Please put out cups and glasses on the kitchen bench. Cups are in a plastic crate in the SPOTR hall cupboard.  

2. Please fill up water jug and put on kitchen bench. Please put the milk out too. 

3. Please put the hot water urn on the kitchen bench and then fill it up and switch on before the service. If urn is not working, please be ready to boil water in the kettle as needed.

4. Please put out coffee, tea, milo and sugar. (In the plastic drawers in kitchen).

5. Please put out spoons in a cup, an extra bowl for used tea bags and an extra cup for used teaspoons.

6. Please put out the food/snacks.


After service:

1. Please make people feel warmly welcome as they get something to drink.

2. Please wash and put away the dishes.

3. Please take the rubbish bag from kitchen and empty the bins in the bathrooms as well. Please take out the bag (Rubbish bins are outside at the back of the church) and please put in a new bag.

Thank you for the wonderful work you do for the loving Lord Jesus Christ.